How To Quick-Order Parts From Mouser Electronics
Here is an easy way to order all the remaining parts for your multicontroller. The supplier is Mouser Electronics, one of the largest U.S. electronics parts distributors. (Obviously, you're welcome to use other distributors, but you'll have to look up the parts numbers yourself.) The procedure is simply to "cut and paste" my supplied parts list into the on-line Mouser order form. To start, print out this page so you'll have the detailed step-by-step instructions at hand:
Step 1: Open the Mouser Electronics home page in a new window at (Leave this window open also, because you'll return to it in a minute.) On the left side of the Mouser page, click on "Free Sign Up, Click Here!"
Step 2: Fill out the form (name, address, user name, password, etc.) and log in to your new account.
Step 3: After you've logged in, click on "Project Manager," After the screen refreshes, open the "Product Search" box and select the option "B.O.M. Import" (B.O.M. means "bill of materials") Then click the button that says "Start New Project." Now you'll see a new page with a blank box for filling in your bill of materials. Now leave the B.O.M. window open and go back to this page, which should still be open.
Step 5: Click HERE to open the Mouser parts list (an Excel Spreadsheet) in a new window. Read the notes at the end of the spreadsheet. Now drag your mouse to highlight the part numbers and quantities in the first two columns (rows 6 to 84) and "copy and paste" the highlighted parts into the empty space provided on the Mouser B.O.M. Import page. Be careful not to accidentally select anything other than the part numbers and quantities. When you're done, click the "Import BOM" button.
Step 6: When the page refreshes -- be patient, because it may take a few minutes -- you'll see a detailed description of your order. Carefully review all the parts and quantities, deleting any you already have. If some of the parts are shown as backordered, and you don't want to wait, then you'll have to order them from another supplier (e.g., www. ). When you're done, you can "check out" and in a few days you'll have your parts. You'll receive a confirming email of your purchase.